Thank you for attending!
The LA Times Festival of Books was quite sucessful. The weather was fantastic, and our new booth location, right across from the old location, was a little cooler and a little less sunny.
Our authors sold quite a few books! Next year, you too can exhibit. We will be opening the registrations earlier next year, now that we have the new web platform in place.
Thanks to the Volunteers
LATFOB wouldn’t have been successfull without you.
Our members, authors, and those supporting our writers are the best. GLAWS truely wouldn’t be what it is without you.
We are truely, writers mentoring writers.
My heartfelt thanks to everyone.
== John ==
GLAWS Vice President and CTO.
LATFOB Special! Join GLAWS for $20 off!
The Festival is over, but you can still save!
Note that all of these links go to our sister site, West Coast Writers Conferences, who for cost reasons is handling our fulfillment and membership lists. You are still purchasing for GLAWS.
GLAWS will have a double booth at this tremendous event that every year sees 125,000-150,000 attendees over two jam-packed days. There are time slots each day where you as an author will be able to promote yourself, sell and autograph books. You literally have a seat at the table for the biggest event of its kind on the west coast.
Your book will also be displayed with your personal promo stand-up on our bookcase all weekend, regardless of your time slot, and you will be promoted through the GLAWS website and advertising, and the LA Times. Authors may sign up for one or two days.

Nic Nelson’s Top 5 Reasons To Be at LATFOB:
- LATFOB is a reader magnet. Every year, people tell me in person and Online that they love the FOB, or came to the FOB, because they love books. They can see, handle, and acquire books anytime at the library (for free!) or their favorite bookstore (if they live near a surviving one). They come to the FOB because they want more: they want to see hard-to-find books, Indie books, unusual books. They want to see what kind of book-oriented schwag and gizmos might be available at a book-focused festival. They want to rub shoulders with fellow book-lovers. And they are always fascinated to meet real authors, meaning YOU, either right now or in the near future if your book isn’t published quite yet.
- LATFOB is a powerful reader magnet. Expect between 100,000 and 150,000 book lovers, all in one place, most of them flowing curiously past the ideally-situated GLAWS booth. (The location is the same, but the booth number changes depending on how the booths are configured.
- Readers buy books at book festivals. I don’t know the statistics, but from my own observations over the past three LATFOBs, I’m guessing the average is two or three books per adult. If I’m right, there will be nearly a quarter of a million books sold at this year’s LATFOB. And you don’t want to be there? You don’t want to compete for that business, you don’t want to meet these people who find you fascinating just because you’re an author, and who might buy your book just because you’re right there to sign it for them?
- Readers pay attention to books from authors they already know. Obviously. This is why big-name authors can get away with the occasional mediocre offering and still make the New York Times list, right? And you get overlooked? This is your chance to not be overlooked. Every reader you meet at the GLAWS booth will remember you and be more likely to buy your book in the future.
- Name recognition doesn’t only come from fame. It also comes from friendly acquaintance, and festivals like LATFOB are ideal settings to make the friendly acquaintance of an astonishing number of avid readers. Even if they don’t read your genre, avid readers know (and spawn!) other avid readers, and when gift-giving opportunities roll around, you want your name and your book to come to their mind. If they never meet you, this will not happen.
Naturally, we always strive for the best booth location in order to maximize your visibility. We will again have a DOUBLE BOOTH (10×20) with long tables and two bookcases for authors.
How to Qualify:
- You must be a member of GLAWS in good standing.
Yes, you may to join in order to qualify. - A donation is requested per slot per day to help defray the cost of the booth and promotion (a real bargain since booths are expensive, and you keep 100% of whatever you sell)
- Your work may be published or self-published, hard cover, trade paper, paperback, or E-book, and should be available for you to sell and autograph at the event.
- Your agree to comply with the rules of the convention, GLAWS guidelines for the event, and all legal sales tax and liability requirements

If you are already a GLAWS member in good standing (including Lifetime members):
- Purchase the time slot you desire here, via our West Coast Writer’s affiliate.
- Slots may sell out.
- If you do not see a timeslot available, it is sold out.
- First come, first served.
If you are not a GLAWS member, or have not paid your dues since April 2023:
- You may join here, via our affiliate, West Coast Writers Conferences.
- You may become a member to participate. Simply apply as above with your letter, or Join Online.
Note that GLAWS is a 501(c) organization. Although WC2 is collecting the dues for us, all payments go directly to GLAWS. WC2 is donating the payment processing only. Funds are separate

Note: The “slots” refer to “chairs at the table”. If you are a writing team, both of you must be a member to each have a chair at the table. We call these “couples memberships.” Also, the requested donation is per slot, which means per chair. If you are a writing team and both want to sell books at the tables, you must each pay per time slot to help cover costs. Two at the Table(FYI, we typically sit two authors at a six foot (6′) table and no more than three authors at an eight foot (8′) table.) We limit the seating so that each member / author has room for books, handouts, and for your comfort. We also limit seating so there are never too many authors appearing at any one time. This helps increase your visibility and chances for sales and recognition.
What NOT to do:
Please do not email or call that you want to apply. The slots are first come, first served. If you want a particular time and it does not show up, that is because it has sold out.
Please do not email or call asking if you’ve been accepted.
Every year this event fills up quickly, so don’t be left hanging! Purchase now!
You need to collect and manage sales tax
NOTE: You must provide a copy of your State Board of Equalization (BOE Sales Tax License), and sign a liability release before the event. The promoter requires this. You should also have a copy of your license on hand when you appear in case an official of the State BOE audits the booth on-site.
NOTE: You must provide a copy of at least 2 of your Covid vaccinations.and a booster. We cannot guarentee that anyone will wear a mask. The venue is outdoors; if you are concerned we recommend that you wear a mask. GLAWS cannot provide any.
We look forward to another terrific event and contributing to your success as an author.